20 Questions: The Role of the Board in Strategy
Without a doubt, there is a clear need for corporate boards to be more "constructively
involved" in the development and approval of their organization’s strategy. The problem,
however, is one of defining that role. To be sure, the participation of Directors in strategy
should be seen as cooperative rather than adversarial. But, this is a murky area as debates
continue over the degree to which Boards should help develop their organization's strategy
and to what extent the Board should assess, amend and urge corrections. Even worse, many
Boards find themselves shut out of the process altogether—or until it's too late to do anything.
There is also massive confusion in most Boards as to what the specific definitions of "strategy", “mission” and “vision” even mean.
The aim of this presentation is to bring order to the chaos. And no one is better equipped to do this than Dr. Chris Bart. He is the author of the highly acclaimed CICA publication: Twenty Questions Directors Should Ask About Strategy – now in its second edition. And he is the only author in the world with published empirical data on the proper role of the Board in strategy.
Directors attending this presentation will gain unique insights and learn:
- What constructive involvement in company strategy really means
- How to develop a shared view with management about joint responsibilities for strategy
- The proper definition of key strategy terms and how to stay away from "tactics" at the Board level
- The difference between “good” versus “bad” strategy and “good” versus “bad” strategy development techniques
- How to go about monitoring strategy effectiveness and appropriateness—especially the kinds of information that Boards should focus on with respect to evaluating and monitoring an organization’s strategic performance
- Through case histories, how a Board’s involvement in corporate strategy adds value to executive decision making and organizational performance