Strat-Ex Audit
The Strat-Ex Audit is the fastest way to find out where execution problems exit. It begins with interviews with your executive team and examines your functions, business units and regions.
The first deliverable of the Strat-Ex Audit is a report that identifies not only where the major and minor execution problems exist, but also how to correct them to enhance execution excellence. We then use this report to assemble an Alignment Council and finalize our recommendations for a more focused execution effort.
Our proprietary Audit is a proven way for a board, CEO or business unit head to determine where execution is breaking down. We also test for alignment of your organizational resources to make sure that only those projects and initiatives that contribute to the strategy realization get funded.
The Strat-Ex Audit looks for strategic alignment both within and outside the organization. We look first for alignment amongst the senior leadership team because if this group is not in line with the organization’s strategy, it is doubtful the rest of the employees will be.
Using our proprietary Bart-Star FrameworkTM, we then assess the degree to which the organizational structures, systems, policies and procedures found in the functional and business units are being used to coordinate and control employee activities with the strategy.
The Strat-Ex Audit also includes a unique evaluation of those outside PR/advertising agencies and supply chain partners who interface with customers. We do this to determine if they are executing appropriately on your strategy.
A major deliverable of the Strat-Ex Audit is a report that identifies not only where the major and minor execution problems and risks exist, but also how to correct them to enhance execution excellence.
We then help our clients create an Alignment Council comprised of key internal and external stakeholders. Using the Audit Report, we work with the Council to develop Execution Action Plans that close the identified Execution Gaps and deliver the Execution Edge.
See if you need us by taking the Strat-Ex Questionnaire. Click here to see the survey!