Achieving The Execution Edge
20 Essential Questions Corporate Directors Need To Get Answered About Strategy Execution
by Dr. Chris Bart, FCPA
Boards have responsibility for oversight of their company's strategy and risk. However, 90% of companies are unable to successfully execute their strategy. This signifies the greatest risk to the company's operations and one about which boards should be vitally concerned in terms of adequately meeting their fiduciary responsibilities. "Achieving the Execution Edge" is the world's first book to suggest that directors should have oversight responsibility for strategy execution. It provides practical guidance on the questions Directors need if their Board is going to enhance shareholder value and minimize the strategic risks in doing so.
It’s your move.
Ask Dr. Bart to speak to your organization“Our belief in the need for good governance and our dedication to ensuring the ongoing trust of our constituents, lead us to seek out the assistance of an expert in governance. After substantial research, we chose to work with Dr. Bart, not only because of his outstanding credentials, but also for his clear passion for his work.”